Sunday, January 26, 2020
Investment Decisions In Different Insurance Policies
Investment Decisions In Different Insurance Policies There are three types of investors: conservative, moderate, and aggressive. The different types of investments also cater to the two levels of risk tolerance: high risk and low risk. Conservative investors often invest in cash. This means that they put their money in interest bearing savings accounts, money market accounts, mutual funds, US Treasury bills, and Certificates of Deposit. These are very safe investments that grow over a long period of time. These are also low risk investments. Moderate investors often invest in cash and bonds, and may dabble in the stock market. Moderate investing may be low or moderate risks. Moderate investors often also invest in real estate, providing that it is low risk real estate. Aggressive investor is an investor who is willing to accept a higher degree of investment risk in exchange for a chance to earn a higher rate of return. Investment risk is the volatility of investment returns. A basic investing principle states that a higher degree of investment risk is required to earn a potential higher rate of return. What is insurance Meaning of Insurance Insurance provides financial protection against a loss arising out of happening of an uncertain event. A person can avail this protection by paying premium to an insurance company. A pool is created through contributions made by persons seeking to protect themselves from common risk. Premium is collected by insurance companies which also act as trustee to the pool. Any loss to the insured in case of happening of an uncertain event is paid out of this pool. Insurance works on the basic principle of risk-sharing. A great advantage of insurance is that it spreads the risk of a few people over a large group of people exposed to risk of similar type. Definition Insurance is a contract between two parties whereby one party agrees to undertake the risk of another in exchange for consideration known as premium and promises to pay a fixed sum of money to the other party on happening of an uncertain event (death) or after the expiry of a certain period in case of life insurance or to indemnify the other party on happening of an uncertain event in case of general insurance. The party bearing the risk is known as the insurer or assurer and the party whose risk is covered is known as the insured or assured. Definition A promise of compensation for specific potential future losses in exchange for a periodic payment. Insurance is designed to protect the financial well-being of an individual, company or other entity in the case of unexpected loss. Some forms of insurance are required by law, while others are optional. Agreeing to the terms of an insurance policy creates a contract between the insured and the insurer. In exchange for payments from the insured (called premiums), the insurer agrees to pay the policy holder a sum of money upon the occurrence of a specific event. In most cases, the policy holder pays part of the loss (called the deductible), and the insurer pays the rest. Examples include car insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, and business insurance. Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed and known small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; an insured or policyholder is the person or entity buying the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage, called the premium. Cultural factor; Culture is fundamental determinant of a persons needs and behavior. People acquire a set of value, perception and behaviors through his or her family and other institution. Indian people want achievement and success, comfortable efficiency and practicality, freedom and youthfulness. In other word there are multicultural environment in India. Indian loves their family and they want to secure their family from unnatural event. Indian give first preference to his family after than others. They do not want to take loan and they want to invest their money in long-term investment for child education and marriage. When we say about metropolitan city, dependency on old age on son is decreasing. People want to accumulate some fund for old age so ICICI Prudential should concentrate on gratuity or pension plan. Indian people also affected from sub culture. Urban people want to take more insurance comparison than rural (due to high per capita income, insurance awareness, social security, investment purpose, tax saving purpose). Religion also effect on insurance. ICICI Prudential is using this thing very well. They use sinduor and marriage in their advertisement and show that when you marriage from someone, her all liabilities is your liabilities and we will help you in this situation. We will make relation as like as sindur (here means long term stable relationship). In other word ICICI Prudential want to say that we will cover you at every step in life (sorrow or happiness). Consumer behavior is also affected from reference group. Firstly, people see that which insurance is bestseller after that they purchase. They also influence from agent. People do not concentrate on their need due to agents influence. Social class also affect on consumer behavior. Lower class does not want insurance. Up per lower class wants insurance for saving purpose. Working and middle class want insurance for protection and saving purpose and lastly, upper class want to purchase insurance for investment tax benefit and saving purpose. Social factor; Consumers are also influenced by social factor for example; reference group, family, and social role and status. Consumer behavior is firstly influenced from membership group such as family, neighbor and co-worker. Insurance is such type of product where people awareness is very low so people do not very much about insurance. They think, insurance is only tax saving instrument so they fully dependent on agent for taking insurance. When agent say about any product, that time they inquiry from neighbor and co-worker about that product. If any body suggests that, this product and I have also taken this product. Individual think that, this product also best for him. He does not concentrate on his need and requirement. Secondly, he is influenced by information influences. If he goes to purchase insurance, he makes enquiry about this product from his personal sources. He study newspaper and search on Internet and gather all information related product. If he is satisfied from that information, he decides to buy insurance. People also influence from opinion leader, this opinion leader may be Mukhiya, or Surpanch in rural area or this may be any leader, actor or cricket player in urban area. If opinion leader say or advertise about any product, people are influenced from opinion leader because opinion leader keep good position in society. Family and household pattern also influence consumer behavior. Due to less security of individual family, people want to purchase insurance, but in joint family people give less attention in buying insurance. If all family are well earning, there are given less attention on insurance in such family. But if earning member is less and dependent is more in such type of family insurance is very important. Women want more security so women are taking main role in purchase decision where, women influence consumer behavior. Personal factor; A consumer decision is also influenced by personal characteristics for example the buyer age and stage in life cycle, occupation and economics circumstances, personality, self-concept, life style and value. When we say about age and life, first is bachelor stage. They are generally young independent and they are in early stage of his carrier and earning. They mostly think that they have no need of insurance because in that time they have no dependent. However, some people have some dream and dependent also. They are in such stage where they can take more risk so they mostly prefer to invest in ULIP. Second stage is newly married. In that stage people need and buying decision is influenced from their future plan and earning capability. If they have to plan for purchase flat that time, they will need term insurance. There after stage is one or two children after marriage, they will be influenced from future need. They will accumulate fund for children marriage and education, they can be plan time-to-time vacation. In forth stage, they want to accumulate for retirement. People want to live alone after old age or in peaceful place so they are ready to start saving for old age. Attitude also affect consumer behavior positive attitude (about his life) person will take pension plan because people think that they will live more. But negative attitude person will take life insurance because they worry about their life. Review of Literature Mehr and Cammack (1976) agrees that Insurance is usually thought of as a product that spreads the risk of serious, but low-probability, losses among a group of individuals, thus providing some financial protection to each individual. Kunreuther, (1979) said that his product makes good sense, particularly when the protection is purchased against potential losses so large as to be catastrophic, such as total destruction of ones home, a large accident liability judgment, or death of primary family breadwinner. However, it has long been recognized that this sensible product is difficult to sell.v Kotler, (1973) considers insurance to be in the category of unsought goods, along with products such as preventive dental services and burial plots.He notes that unsought goods pose special challenges to the marketer. Slovic, Fischhoff, Lichtenstein, Corrigan, and Combs (1977) found that subjects were more likely to buy insurance against small, high-probability losses than insurance against large, lowprobability losses, Hershey and Schoemaker (1980) reported the opposite result. Kunreuther (1979) It is not the magnitude of a potential loss that inspires people to buy insurance voluntarily it is the frequency with which a loss is likely to occur. Kahneman Tversky, (1979) reported a risk-averse individual, therefore, should avoid nearly all types of risk. Empirical evidence, however, suggests most people are risk averse for gains and risk seeking for losses. Kahneman Tversky, (1984) stated indeed, repeated demonstrations have shown most people lack an adequate understanding of probability and risk concepts Dhar, (1997) Greenleaf and Lehmann, (1995) Tversky and Shafir, (1992) have shown that offering more options can generate decision conflict and preference uncertainty, leading to decision deferral. Michael L. Smith (1982) said that a typical life insurance contract provides a package of options or rights to the policy owner that is not precisely duplicated by any other combination of commonly available contracts. Viewed from this perspecti ve, life insurance enjoys a unique position in the field of investments and should be judged in this light. The paper shows that an options viewpoint provides a more complete explanation of policy owner behavior towards life insurance than the conventional savings-and-protection view. Michael L. Walden (1985) told that the options package view of the whole life insurance policy suggests that a whole life policy is a package of options, each of which has value and is expected to influence the price of the policy. This viewpoint implies the general hypothesis that price differences between whole life policies can be explained by differences in policy contract provisions and differences in selected company characteristics. The options package theory was empirically investigated using regression analysis on data from a sample of policies marketed in North Carolina. The results suggest support for the options package theory. Kirchler and Angela-Christian Hubert (1999) found that the present study aims at describing spouses relative dominance in decisions concerning different forms of investment. As determinants of spouses dominance, partnership characteristics, such as partnership role attitudes, marital satisfaction and individual expertise in relation to different investments, were considered. A questionnaire on spouses dominance in making decisions on various investments, on the characteristics of particular investments and on partnership characteristics was completed by 142 Austrian couples. Basically, wives appeared to adapt to the dominance exerted by their husbands in savings and investment decisions. Wives dominance was highest in egalitarian partnerships, where autonomic and wife dominated decisions were reported m ore frequently than in traditional partnerships. Additionally, spouses relative expertise in relation to the investments in question showed strong effects on dominance distribution: Spouses with higher expertise than their partners exerted more dominance in decision-making processes. Amy Wong, (2004) empirically examined the role of emotional satisfaction in service encounters. Specifically, this study seeks to: investigate the relationship between emotional satisfaction and key concepts, such as service quality, customer loyalty, and relationship quality, and clarify the role of emotional satisfaction in predicting customer loyalty and relationship quality. In doing so, this study used the relationship between emotional satisfaction, service quality, customer loyalty, and relationship quality as a context, as well as data from a sample survey of 1,261 Australian retail customers concerning their evaluation of their shopping experiences to address this issue. The results show that s ervice quality is positively associated with emotional satisfaction, which is positively associated with both customer loyalty and relationship quality. Further investigations showed that customers feelings of enjoyment serve as the best predictor of customer loyalty, while feelings of happiness serve as the best predictor of relationship quality. The findings imply the need for a service firm to strategically leverage on the key antecedents of customer loyalty and relationship quality in its pursuit of customer retention and longterm profitability. Stephen Diacon (2004) presents the results of a detailed comparison of the perceptions by individual consumers and expert financial advisers of the investment risk involved in various UK personal financial services products. Factor similarity tests show that there are significant differences between expert and lay investors in the way financial risks are perceived. Financial experts are likely to be less loss averse than lay investors, b ut are prone to affiliation bias (trusting providers and salesmen more than lay investors do), believe that the products are less complex, and are less cynical and distrustful about the protection provided by the regulators. The traditional response to the finding that experts and non-experts have different perceptions and understanding about risk is to institute risk communication programmes designed to re-educate consumers. However, this approach is unlikely to be successful in an environment where individual consumers distrust regulators and other experts. Helmut Grà ¼ndl, Thomas Post, Roman Schulze, (2005) found that demographic risk, i.e., the risk that life tables change in a nondeterministic way, is a serious threat to the financial stability of an insurance company having underwritten life insurance and annuity business. The inverse influence of changes in mortality laws on the market value of life insurance and annuity liabilities creates natural hedging opportunities. Eva n Mills, Ph.D.(1999) Studied the insurance industry is rarely thought of as having much concern about energy issues. However, the historical involvement by insurers and allied industries in the development and deployment of familiar technologies such as automobile air bags, fire prevention/suppression systems, and anti-theft devices, shows that this industry has a long history of utilizing technology to improve safety andotherwise reduce the likelihood of losses for which they would otherwise have to pay. We have identified nearly 80 examples of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies that offer loss-prevention benefits, and have mapped these opportunities onto the appropriate segments of the very diverse insurance sector (life, health, property, liability, business interruption, etc.). Some insurers and risk managers are beginning to recognize these previously hidden benefits. Roger. A. Formisano (1981) examined, via consumer interviews, the impact of the National Associ ation of Insurance Commissioners Model Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation as implemented in New Jersey. A substantial portion of the insurance buyers sampled did not become aware of the provisions of the regulation aimed to improve their buying ability. Further, many life insurance buyers were not well informed concerning the nature and operation of life insurance contracts, and in particular, the life insurance policies that they had purchased. theory was empirically investigated using regression analysis on data from a sample of policies marketed in NorthCarolina. The results suggest support for the options package theory. Kirchler and Angela-Christian Hubert (1999) found that the present study aims at describing spouses relative dominance in decisions concerning different forms of investment. As determinants of spouses dominance, partnership characteristics, such as partnership role attitudes, marital satisfaction and individual expertise in relation to different investments, were considered. A questionnaire on spouses dominance in making decisions on various investments, on the characteristics of particular investments and on partnership characteristics was completed by 142 Austrian couples. Basically, wives appeared to adapt to the dominance exerted by their husbands in savings and investment decisions Wives dominance was highest in egalitarian partnerships, where autonomic and wife-dominated decisions were reported more frequently than in traditional partnerships. Additionally, spouses relative expertise in relation to the investments in question showed strong effects on dominance distribution: Spouses with higher expertise than their partners exerted more dominance in decision-making processes. Amy Wong, (2004) empirically examined the role of emotional satisfaction in service encounters. Specifically, this study seeks to: investigate the relationship between emotional satisfaction and key concepts, such as service quality, customer loyalty, and rel ationship quality, and clarify the role of emotional satisfaction in predicting customer loyalty and relationship quality. In doing so, this study used the relationship between emotional satisfaction, service quality, customer loyalty, and relationship quality as a context, as well as data from a sample survey of 1,261 Australian retail customers concerning their evaluation of their shopping experiences to address this issue. The results show that service quality is positively associated with emotional satisfaction, which is positively associated with both customer loyalty and relationship quality. Further investigations showed that customers feelings of enjoyment serve as the best predictor of customer loyalty, while feelings of happiness serve as the best predictor of relationship quality. The findings imply the need for a service firm to strategically leverage on the key antecedents of customer loyalty and relationship quality in its pursuit of customer retention and longterm pro fitability. Stephen Diacon (2004) presents the results of a detailed comparison of the perceptions by individual consumers and expert financial advisers of the investment risk involved in various UK personal financial services products. Factor similarity tests show that there are significant differences between expert and lay investors in the way financial risks are perceived. Financial experts are likely to be less loss averse than lay investors, but are prone to affiliation bias (trusting providers and salesmen more than lay investors do), believe that the products are less complex, and are less cynical and distrustful about the protection provided by the regulators. The traditional response to the finding that experts and non-experts have different perceptions and understandings 4 about risk is to institute risk communication programmes designed to re-educate consumers. However, this approach is unlikely to be successful in an environment where individual consumers distrust regul ators and other experts. Helmut Grà ¼ndl, Thomas Post, Roman Schulze, (2005) found that demographic risk, i.e., the risk that life tables change in a nondeterministic ay, is a serious threat to the financial stability of an insurance company having underwritten life insurance and annuity business. The inverse influence of changes in mortality laws on the market value of life insurance and annuity liabilities creates natural hedging opportunities. Evan Mills, Ph.D.(1999) Studied the insurance industry is rarely thought of as having much concern about energy issues. However, the historical involvement by insurers and allied industries in the development and deployment of familiar technologies such as automobile air bags, fire prevention/suppression systems, and anti-theft devices, shows that this industry has a long history of utilizing technology to improve safety and otherwise reduce the likelihood of losses for which they would otherwise have to pay. We have identified nearly 80 e xamples of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies that offer loss-prevention benefits, and have mapped these opportunities onto the appropriate segments of the very diverse insurance sector (life, health, property, liability, business interruption, etc.). Some insurers and risk managers are beginning to recognize these previously hidden benefits. Roger. A. Formisano (1981) examined, via consumer interviews, the impact of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Model Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation as implemented in New Jersey. A substantial portion of the insurance buyers sampled did not become aware of the provisions of the regulation aimed to improve their buying ability. Further, many life insurance buyers were not well informed concerning the nature and operation of life insurance contracts, and in particular, the life insurance policies that they had purchased. Description of factors 1. Company Loyalty This factor includes that this is the only company the consumer wants to associate himself with, in future .himself would purchase more policies from the same company , suggest friends and family to purchase policy from the same company , company able to fulfill expectation, , Policy benefits benchmarks . The highest Eigen value lies in this factor 35.213. So it is been considered as the highly contributing factor towards study. Therefore it is clear that company loyalty plays an important role in investment decisions of investors. 2. Services Quality This factor includes hassle free settlements , employees responsible towards customers agents respond promptly , investment in life insurance is more secure than stock market satisfy with relationship to company . . Ease of Procedures This factor includes the company provides claims on time cooperative and friendly agent , settlement of claims easy and timely , agent is well informed about policies. As we can see, that the Eigen value for factor ease of procedures is 5.830 , which is also a contributing factor towards the study, so it can also be considered as an important factor in the study. 4. Satisfaction Level This factor includes that the suggested benefits of Insurance Policy should be met to the investors, Company provides them satisfactory services , fulfill its promise about life insurance policy , Services should be provided on time, and awareness of terms and conditions of policies. As we can see, that the Eigen value for factor satisfaction level is 5.008 , which is also a contributing factor towards the study, so it can also be considered as an important factor in the study. 5. Company Image This factor includes that the insurance company should be well known in the industry , insurance provider should have goodwill in market (0.758),and company of high repute As we can see, that the Eigen value for factor company image is 4.878, which is also a contributing factor towards the study, so it can also be considered as an important factor in the study. 6. Company-Client Relationship This factor includes that the agent remind about premium installments. personal attention on every consumer and understand consumers financial needs . As we can see, that the Eigen value for factor company client relationship is 4.051, which is also a contributing factor towards the study, so it can also be considered as an important factor in the study. CONCLUSION In present Indian market, the investment habits of Indian consumers are changing very frequently. The individuals have their own perception towards various types of investment plans. The study of this research work was focused over consumers perception on investment towards Life Insurance Services. The consumers perception towards Life Insurance Policies is positive. It developed a positive mind sets for their investment pattern, in insurance policies. Still some actions are needed for developing insurance market. The major factors playing the role in developing consumers perception towards Life Insurance Policies are Consumer Loyalty, Service Quality, Ease of Procedures, Satisfaction Level, Company Image, and Company-Client Relationship. Insurance industry has to go ahead. A lot of opportunities are still waiting. This research will help in developing the market share, loyalty and further development in insurance sector. .
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Hnc health and social care Essay
There are many theories that tend to explain different aspects in human development. According to Encarta Encyclopedia, 2006, these are system of assumptions based on limited information or knowledge, devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. In line with the definition, theories remain as conjectures explaining certain occurrences, but never will it attain the grounds earned by laws and principles as universal truths. In Developmental Psychology, theories govern the existence of human growth. Considering the case stated earlier, does it imply that the learning gained in studying this field is not reliable? Not at all. In medicine, when a person developed sickness, doctors try to find its root cause. There are many possible answers as to how and why it was acquired, might be through his/her familyââ¬â¢s history, his/her lifestyle and his/her environment. If thatââ¬â¢s the situation, would that person hesitate to seek wellness? Likewise, developmental theories offer several answers which unlock the depths of human behavior by studying the causalities of different experiences throughout the life span of a person. It can be quoted from Maurice Merleau-Ponty that every object is the mirror of all other objects. Correspondingly, developmental theories are rooted in different schools of thoughts such as Behaviorism, Gestalt, Humanism, Cognitivism and Psychoanalysis. Using it as their main ingredient, these schools of thoughts presented development in various ways ââ¬â thus, in different perspectives. Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg are some of theorists who ventured in the field of Psychology, specifically in human development. Consequently, using Thomasââ¬â¢s standard of judgment, this paper aims to weigh, compare and evaluate the assumptions and claims of these proponents. Piaget, a cognitivist and pioneer of the Cognitive Development Theory, focused on the cognitive aspect of human development. He gave a detailedà picture of how thinking is processed among individuals, concluding that the difference between adultsââ¬â¢ and childrenââ¬â¢s thinking is qualitative and not quantitative. He asserted that development occurs in distinct, measurable, and observable stages. Additionally, he made an assumption that developmental growth is independent of experience and based on a universal characteristic. Piagetââ¬â¢s theory assumes that development is unidirectional with all children reaching each stage at approximately at the same age. Kohlberg, an Ameican psychologist, tried to expand the theory of morality that Piaget gave briefly. He assumes that there are 3 levels of morality that each individual faces ââ¬â Preconventional, Conventional, Post Conventionalââ¬â that are then subdivided in stages. According to him, children in middle childhood, begin to perceive themselves as responsible to others because of the importance of getting along and of being a good citizen. They seek to act appropriately because people matter to them, not just to avoid punishment. Childrenââ¬â¢s developing psychological understanding heightens their sensitivity to human needs and contributes to empathy for others. Whereas a preschooler may sympathize with another but not know what to do, older children are more likely to assist a classmate who is attacked by a bully or to raise money to help children in a developing country. Eriksonââ¬â¢s Psychosocial Theory of Development traces its roots to Freudââ¬â¢s Psychosexual Theory. He believes that his theory would patch what Freud was unable of discussing. He studied groups of Native American children to help formulate his theories. These studies enabled him to correlate personality growth with parental and societal values. His first book, Childhood and Society (1950), became a classic in the field. As he continued his clinical work with young people, Erikson developed the concept of the ââ¬Å"identity crisis,â⬠an inevitable conflict that accompanies the growth of a sense of identity in late adolescence. Using case studies that were in descriptive methods, Piaget strengthened his works to cite reliable facts about the real world in children. It can be reflected upon his presentation of the mental growthââ¬âfrom sensorimotor stage, to preoperational stage, then to concreteà operational stage and lastly, to formal operational stageââ¬â where several features and characteristics were keenly monitored and recorded. In Kohlbergââ¬â¢s theory of Moral Development, he emphasized what could be the current state of morality that a person has if he/she is in that age. In the last activity performed, it was found that the preconventional children depends their action to the possible outcome, might be, if there would be a punishment or a reward. This proves that the theory is reliable. Erikson different from any other theorists, he comprehensively investigated upon the development of an infant to the old age. These are the Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Role Confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Absorption and lastly Integrity vs. Despair. His theory explains that in every stage, a positive or a negative attitude might be developed in an individual. When used to local setting as mainframe, the result can also be the same, though there is inevitable variability among personalities. Most of their assumptions in development of children are simple, very tangible. As to Piagetââ¬â¢s findings regarding the concept of conservation, egocentrism, schema formation and some other features he had recorded, applying it in the local setting will be easy. Differently from Freud, there is no hidden element, (i.e., the id,) that would entail controversy. As to Kohlberg, his works were anchored as that of Piagetââ¬â¢s, therefore his works were also simple and can be clearly understandable. Erikson although, theory is psychoanalytically founded, showed clearness among his theory as well as Kohlberg. Their theories enable many to relate easily. However, with a belief that development is unidirectional and that the biological development drives the movement from one cognitive stage to the next, Piaget showed no proof that the thinking process expressed on a former stage would predict the cognition in the latter stage and vice versa. But perhaps, the thought of having mental growth as universal to every individual with respect to the stages that Piaget constructed may tell whatà the next cognitive feature a person can express. In Kohlbergââ¬â¢s theory, he assumed that one might not attain the next stage remaining to show manifestations of the former. His work doesnââ¬â¢t predict what would happen in the future, actually, if a person would arrive or not arrive to the next level is already an uncertainty. Different to Erikson, where he believed that the attitudes such as trust, initiative, intimacy and the like that had developed in a certain stage would have an effect in the future. For example, he asserted that if an individual has a positive outlook in life and maintains hope though facing unexpected events in life, that individual when he/she was an infant might had been taken good care of and had developed trust with the maternal person. Furthermore, many educators and parents base their strategies with Piagetââ¬â¢s perspective. In rearing a child, he contributed largely to the field of language and education. In the development of language, his assumptions of Language Acquisition Device (LAD) as innate in infancy were widely appreciated. Therefore, educational implications were fleshed out from his theory considering what could be the best possible approach in enabling children to unleash their potentials. Regarding Kohlberg, his theory is widely used as basis on how to face moral dilemmas that occur in a life span of every individual, particularly in childââ¬â¢s life. Eriksonââ¬â¢s stages of ritualization are also considered on how a person would handle decisions and priorities in life. As to the internal consistency in the theory, the mental characteristics and features manifesting on a specific stage and their gradual change are thoroughly explained. For example, the realism and animism, both occurring in the preoperational stage, he cleared out that their existence are inversely related. Consistency can also be inferred in the whole theory. Even though he compared his work to Freudââ¬â¢s and Spinozaââ¬â¢s, Piaget remained intact with the perception that he was holding. It was never mixed. These can also be observed to Kohlberg and Eriksonââ¬â¢s theories. Their terminologies, concepts and perception didnââ¬â¢t shift. Several convincing ideas can be presented by Piaget to support his theory. In relation to the last activity performed by the class which was the observation of early childhood, he asserted that preoperational children display certain characteristics such as transductive reasoning, irreversibility, artificialism and centering. When tested, it was amazing to see that the findings gained by Piaget and the findings gained by the section have great resemblance to each. Same thing happens in their findings, when Kohlberg was used as a mainframe. Despite this occurrence, some of Piagetââ¬â¢s ideas have been supported through more correlational and experimental methodologies, some portions of the theory when compared to other researches, give a result that the data from similar cross-sectional studies do not support the assertion that all individuals will automatically move to the next cognitive stage as they biologically mature. Indeed, this implies an unproven assumption that is somehow disconfirmable. As to Kohlberg and Erikson, some of their finding doesnââ¬â¢t match with the current researches done. As mentioned earlier, Piagetââ¬â¢s perception didnââ¬â¢t only enrich the field of psychology but rather shared some insights in language, education and morality. His work is collaborative ââ¬â it can build another and it can rebuild itself. Example of ââ¬Ëbuilding anotherââ¬â¢ is Vygotskyââ¬â¢s Socio-cultural Theory and Kohlbergââ¬â¢s Moral Development Theory. These two gained grounds in psychology by the strengths of Piaget. Vygotsky criticized Piagetââ¬â¢s assumptions and later on was able to make a theory and Kohlberg, because of inspiration in Piagetââ¬â¢s work, tried to expand some aspects that he found lacking in the Cognitive Development Theory. As to ââ¬Ërebuilding itselfââ¬â¢, up until now, Neo-Piagetians continually improve the theory made by their lead proponent. Although rooted from anotherââ¬â¢s works, Erikson and Kohlberg established theories on their own that may stand coequal with the others. As of today, their works are being taug ht and learnt by many. Piaget led to forming a theory when he asked his two children to express their beliefs in a particular situation. Since he is the founder ofà Cognitivism, his work possesses novelty. As long as it is in relation to cognition and comprehension, this theory may provide the answer about the different phenomena encountered by individuals in a certain point of time. This is also true in Kohlbergââ¬â¢s and Eriksonââ¬â¢s theoriesââ¬â as long as morality and psychosocial aspects of growth are concerned, their theories can provide the answer.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Experts Are Not Saying About Best Online Paper and What It Means For You
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Antenatal Depression And The Role Of The Nurse - 889 Words
Antenatal Depression and the Role of the Nurse Antenatal or antepartum depression accounts for ââ¬Å"around 13% (of pregnancies)â⬠(Leigh, B. Milgrom, J., 2008). Although the prevalence of depression during pregnancy is fairly high, it is often underreported, not reported, and oft left under or untreated. These expectant mothers frequently do not receive the care and treatment they so desperately need. A better understanding of the causes and outcomes of these particular patients is needed to ensure they get the help they need. The consequences of not receiving care are ââ¬Å"far-reaching, affecting not only the mother but her infant, and their relationshipsâ⬠(Leigh Milgrom, 2008). Antenatal Depression and Risk Factors Traditionally it has been thought that the motherââ¬â¢s hormones during pregnancy were sufficient to ââ¬Å"protect women from becoming depressedâ⬠and that the expectant mother ââ¬Å"is happy because she is forming a new lifeâ⬠(Public Health Agency of Canada, 2012). Recent studies have shown that a significant percentage of pregnant women are the exception to this rule. Some signs to look for in expectant mothers are: depressed mood, crying for no apparent reason, restlessness, changes in sleep or appetite, withdrawing from their partner or other family members, and thoughts of self-harm. Risk factors for antenatal depression include socioeconomic factors such as low or no social supports, maternal age (the younger the mother, the more likely she is to experience depression whileShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of A Home Based Exercise Intervention On Postnatal Depression And Fatigue1650 Words à |à 7 PagesThe purpose of this paper is present a synopsis of the article ti tled, The Effect of a Home-Based Exercise Intervention on Postnatal Depression and Fatigue: A Randomized Control Trial. This synopsis addresses the following items: purpose or objective, background, primary independent and dependent variables, main findings of the literature review, methods, statistical tests used and rationale for each, primary outcomes, results or findings, conclusions, and evidence rating using the SORT and GRADERead MoreDuring Clinical, I Had The Opportunity Of Working With1734 Words à |à 7 Pagesbecause of the mothers demeanor. She looked a little bit unhappy, confused and unwelcoming, even though she said yes to everything. I must admit I was a little nervous to do any assessment but I when managed to wake her up, introduced myself with my nurse in charge she was a little receptive to care. She was showing emotion of sadness, loneliness and little bonding connection with the baby i.e. less skin to skin contact which is essential right after birth of baby. N ormally, on postpartum unit, youââ¬â¢dRead MoreFactors That Affect Maternal Mental Health Essay1094 Words à |à 5 Pagesage pregnancy as well, because old age pregnancy increases complications and thus have negative impact on mental health of mother as well. Aspects like domestic violence have significant negative impact in maternal mental health as it results in depression and anxiety among the mother. Obesity is also seen to impact the mental wellbeing of the mother adversely as it creates a feeling and fear of acceptance. Lifestyle choices like alcohol consumption and smoking impacts the mental of the mother significantlyRead MoreHealth Outcomes Between Indigenous And Non Indigenous Women3001 Words à |à 13 Pagesacross multiply decades no matter the topic at hand. With incredible access to a wide category of health services today, this is not always the case for remotely rural country and outback towns Australia wide, especially childbearing women acquiring antenatal, bir thing and postnatal care. This essay will endeavour to explore health outcomes between Indigenous Australian women with non-Indigenous Australian Women and both their newborns, as well as the impact of health policies that remotely remove childbearingRead MoreThe Importance Of Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care1780 Words à |à 8 PagesCulture Choice I am interest in studying the American Hispanic antenatal culture, because of their large population in Houston, Texas. I want to be a labor and delivery nurse in Houston and will care for many Hispanic patients. Their practices may differ from my familiesââ¬â¢ practices creating a gap in my knowledge which is critical to fill. By understanding the Hispanic antenatal culture, I can give the best possible nursing care. By studying their practices, I will be able to educate the patient basedRead MoreVarious Aspects of Parenting Essay1620 Words à |à 7 Pagesprospective parents and the baby these include post natal depression, lack of attachment between parents and baby and economic pressures. Post Natal Depression occurs after childbirth and affects one in every ten mums, it leaves the mother feeling sad and lonely causing here to become easily frustrated and angry towards others. The mother often feels inadequate to take care of the baby causing the baby to feel insecure. The ca use of post natal depression isnââ¬â¢t really known but statistics show that mothersRead More Depression During Pregnancy: Nursing Role, Interventions, and Care2753 Words à |à 12 PagesIntroduction Pregnant women are vulnerable to depression because of major changes in estrogen and progesterone levels as well as changes in the brain which produce significant physical and psychological impacts (Stewart, 2011). Depression during pregnancy can affect not only the mother but the unborn child and other children. Caring for women who are depressed during pregnancy is in many respects different from other types of caring. Caring in this situation is demanding and truly involves the intentionRead MoreMothers And Their Newborn Babies Care After Discharge : A Review Of Supporting Maternal Transition : Continuity, Coaching1196 Words à |à 5 Pagesadaptation, health, and wellness. Most stressors in the puerperal period include: the transition to motherhood and associated role change and role stress; and physical stressors such as hormonal changes, change in sleep patterns, and pain. Psychological stressors consist of interpersonal relationship challenges, self-esteem and self-confidence issues, and postpartum depression (Uban, 2012). Today, most hospitals do not give enough time to provide adequate transition between the birth and discharge;Read MorePublic Health And Social Health1983 Words à |à 8 Pageshealth (Biro, 2009). Midwives play an important role within public health providing risk assessment, referring for specialized services, provision of antenatal and newborn screening including immunizations programmes, smoking cessation, parent education and promotion of breastfeeding (Department of Health, 2013, Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2009). The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provide guidance on routine antenatal care healthy women should receive throughout theRead MoreBonding : Maternal Infant Attachment And The Maternal Role Attainment Theory1707 Words à |à 7 Pagesstrategies described by Meleis in 2012. These are used in nursing theory, research and practice to develop conceptual meanings. (McEwen, M. Wills, E.M.) This concept exploration paper will focus on Bon ding: maternal-infant attachment and the Maternal Role Attainment Theory. The MFAS (Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale) (Cranley, 1981) is a renowned tool to measure motherââ¬â¢s attachment (reflected in the level of healthcare indulged in), during pregnancy, and correlation with neonatal outcomes. Further extrapolation
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